We also need to address highway twinning, and we need a more robust and less expensive air travel alternative. Kristen understands these issues and has placed them at the top of her priority list.
For over 15 years, the Liberals have been talking about the importance of the environment, and cleaning up the Sydney Tar Ponds. Liberal politicians and special interest groups have used the tar ponds to forward their personal agendas while leaving the residents of Sydney to deal with this local embarrassment for the better part of two decades. Let's finally handle the Tar Ponds and move on with making our community a better place to live.
Fight Addiction - Fight Crime

Crime is not just a big city problem, it affects Cape Bretoners too. Our Conservative government recognizes this and has put in place reforms that help to keep people from commiting crimes by addressing the root cause of these problems. We have put millions of dollars into a national drug program and for youth at risk. New legislation also increases penalty for violent crime with increased penalties for gun crimes.
Government Member
Cape Breton deserves strong representation on Ottawa. Why should we settle for a backbench MP with little profile in Ottawa. Cape Breton needs an MP that sits on the government side of the house.
Leadership demands vision, courage and determination. The Liberal Party of Canada is a divided party with a weak leader. Mark Eyking supported Mr. Dion in his bid to become leader of the Liberal Party. Mr. Eyking is a backbench supporter of a lame-duck leader.
Lower Taxes
The Conservative Government has taken steps to lower the taxes that all Canadians pay. Our reduction in the GST from 7% to 5% (a 28% reduction) saves every citizen, home owner and business person on Cape Breton Island money every day.
We've raised the amount of money a person can earn before paying income tax and lowered the tax rate that low-income earners will pay, from 15.5% to 15%. We've also created a new $2000 child tax credit for every child under 18 years of age.